Friday, June 8, 2012

More pictures

 The Pool where the "Hot Spring" fills every day.  It is usually at about 105 at all times.
 The moon at about 11pm coming back from the Hot Spring one evening last week.

 From the road looking towards the old Hot Spring Hotel.
 Sunset at 1145pm.
 Along the road headed to the Hot Spring. 
 Along the road away from the Hot Spring.
 The front entrance of Central Corner.
Our Gas station! 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Post office quote!

This was last weeks quote, and the week before was just a simple Aloha!  The Post Master was on vacation in Hawaii.  Must of been nice.  Although we have had wonderful spring weather here in Central Alaska.  I don't think truer woods have been said.  Sometimes we need to mind our speech!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spring has sprung!

My view from where I work.  Just yesterday there were no buds on the trees and today WOW.  What green color and the sun shining so bright along with the blue sky!  What an incredible sight to behold!  Amazing!

Crooked Creek

 The log cabin circa 1985.  No electricity except when the generator is on.  Great front porch which over looks Crooked Creek
 Crooked Creek
 Jump off.  This patch of ground would be where people traveling by boat that wanted to visit the hot springs would "Jump off " the boat and then wade across to the other side and walk a trail to the hot spring.  Mind you I am guessing, but the hot spring is at least 10 miles away if not more from this location.  Two of her pups.  One in the water and one that is the speed demon. 
 Another view of Crooked creek.
 Birch Creek, which happens to be a faster flowing creek.  Much wider and is on the other side of the property.
 Looking down Birch creek the other way.
 The view from the front porch of the cabin.
 Another view from the front porch and the original cabin that was on the property.  It is slowly sliding down into the creek.
My tour guides son's part wolf dog named Indy.  

Another site I visited was my tour guides home and property.  Her home sits on two different creeks, Crooked Creek, and Birch Creek.  She built an  amazing log cabin in 1985 and has a wonderful view.

Circle Hot Springs

 The Hot Spring  The water comes in in that far corner by what looks like a little shed. 
 This is a picture looking out from the Hotel at different buildings that I guess used to have various shops and crafts available. 
 The front entrance to the Hotel.  To the right was a little saloon that used to be open.
The front entrance to the Hotel.  To the right was a little saloon that used to be open.

On my day off yesterday along with making it to the end of the road I had the opportunity to visit the old Circle Hot Springs and Hotel.  It is for sale, but is major disrepair.  The Hot Springs itself is in the shape of a pool and is used by the locals, but closed to all others.  It is year around about 101-108 degrees. 

Made it to the end of the road!

 Part of the Yukon River.  As you can see the ice broke up and there are still remnants of it along with the debris that was caught up when the river froze over. 
 Some of the debris left behind after the ice broke up.

An old fishing wheel used on the river.

I had the opportunity to go to the end of the road yesterday. Steese Hwy ends in the town of Circle, dead ending into the Yukon River.  The road is long, winding, and gravel.  It is only about 30 miles, but it takes a good hour to get there.  In 2004, there had been a fire that devastated parts of the land on the way to Circle.  Still many of the trees are bare and look like toothpicks sticking out of the ground. On the way back I had the privilege to see a bear.  Upon first sight as we were in a car on the road and it was in the distance I thought it was a dog.  As we got closer I realized it was just a bear running down the road.  Since my tour guide had her puppies in the car they of course began to bark and the bear took off down the hill.  It was brown or cinnamon in color, so it may have been a grizzly bear.  I was unable to get a picture of it.  Here are the pictures I did take on this trip.  Enjoy.  

Friday, May 18, 2012

Birds chirping

I am sitting in my room and it is 1130 P.M.  Listening to actual birds chirping.  It seems strange to hear such a thing this late at night.  I guess they are just as confused by the daylight as my body seems to be.  I had a friend tell me that because of the longer daylight hours that our bodies surge with energy through the day light.  I guess my uncle was right, I can sleep when I'm dead.  I sure do find it difficult going to sleep and staying asleep.